How to Do a Television News Stand Up
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A terrific quick paced primer for reporters on how to do affective, on-camera stand-up's. Greg Luft shares the techniques he's honed over twelve years of reporting and shows dozens of clips from real stories he has covered. Sections covered include camera angles, the setting, personal appearance, motivation using visual elements plus using appropriate "show and tell" techniques to connect the reporter to the story and to the audience, taking advantage of sights and sounds to use TV's full potential. This Program gives students the confidence to develop their own personal reporting style and the courage to surprise, shock or amuse the audience, getting them more involved in the story. It also provides numerous examples of each technique showing you how to enhance the clarity and appeal of any story.
- A terrific quick paced primer for reporters on how to do affective, on-camera stand-up's. Greg Luft shares the techniques he's honed over twelve years of reporting and shows dozens of clips from real stories he has covered. Sections covered include camera angles, the setting, personal appearance, motivation using visual elements plus using appropriate "show and tell" techniques to connect the reporter to the story and to the audience, taking advantage of sights and sounds to use TV's full poten
- Education, Film, TV & Radio, Instructional
- Journalism, Broadcast & Print
- Television
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